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Spring Registration

NOW open!!!


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 This program  is for CANSkaters that have completed Stage 4 of the CanSkate program and are interested in Figure Skating (STARSkate).  Private lessons are highly recommended but not mandatory and these are to be arranged directly with a staff coach of your choice, please see our coaches page for information.

  This program will consist of 1-15min warm-up group lesson  and 1-15min group lesson, that incorporate CANSkate badges 5 & 6 as well as beginner Figure Skating elements. This will leave skaters with 30 minutes to work on their own unless a private coach has been arranged. Signs are posted with items to work on along with a their own little booklet filled with ideas, progress cards and fun activities.


Program Eligibility Requirements:

  • must have completed CanSkate badge 4 or recommendation from a coach on staff
  • a CSA-approved HOCKEY HELMET required by all levels from PreCan up to and including stage 5,  No other types of helmets permitted.   
  • light, warm clothing which allows ease of movement. Jeans are not permitted.
  • wear warm mittens or gloves.   THIS IS A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT.
  • must have your own equipment including skates.

Additional Information:

  • New to STARSkate page.
  •  Program Assistant page.
  • Pricing:

    Sessions vary in length and are priced accordingly. Contact the office if you have any questions about which session is best for your skater.

    When registering for any ASC program, the following fees will be automatically added to your invoice:

    • ASC Administration fee $30.00 payable once per skater per skating year.
    • Skate Canada mandated membership fee $45.00, payable once per skater per skating year.
    • Skater Development Fee $40.00, payable once per skater per skating year. (NOT offered this year)
    • Skate Ontario Lottery Book $40.00, you keep money once you sell the book. (NOT offered this year)

    Sessions are priced according to number of skating days, and adjusted for all Exception Days (holidays, competitions, tournaments, etc.).

    Please make sure to also click and read over all the Additional Fees, Policies & Refund Info;  LEARN MORE LINK


Important note

By registering online all skaters/parents agree to all ASC policies, Skater’s Code of Conduct and Athlete’s Release as outlined in the online
waiver prior to registration.
Schedule is subject to revision based on skater registration should the ASC Board of Directors deem necessary.  

Requirements /Policies

  • No Make ups for Missed Classes: Skaters sign up for a specific session and cannot be accommodated on another session if they
  • have to miss a day for any reason.
  • Cancelled Classes: ASC cannot make up a class or provide a refund if there is a cancellation due to severe weather or other circumstances beyond the control of ASC.
  • Refund Policy: refund policy 




Our mission is to offer EVERYONE that is interested in learning or looking to improve their skating skills a program that will provide fun, fitness and achievements. Our programs will promote and foster a skaters development in a fun, safe and positive environment!