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All Learn to Skate sessions are now full and closed!!


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Skills, Tests, Achievement, Recognition – this is what STARSkate is all about!

For our skaters who have successfully progressed through our CanSkate program (completed badge 6), our club offers the STARSkate figure skating program. To participate in STARSkate, skaters are mandatory to select a private coach and, under their guidance, will develop fundamental figure skating skills in the areas of ice dance, skating skills, free skate and interpretive skating. STARSkaters progress through an increasingly complex series of skills via Skate Canada’s nationally standardized testing system and to learn about this please go to What is StarSkate page.


Program Eligibility Requirements

  • Mandatory for all StarSkaters to have a private coach from our Skate Canada certified Coaches in order to skate on these sessions.
  • STARSkate 1:
  • Any skater who has passed CanSkate Badge 6, and have arranged lessons with a private coach (mandatory).
  • For more information about joining our ASC’s STARSkate program, please below New to StarSkate.
  • 15 min warm-up group lesson will be offered on the Canskate Elite/StarSkate 1 sessions only.
  • STARSkate 2+:
  • Any StarSkater who has passed all Star 1 tests or has received recommendation from their coach to move to STARSkate 2+
  • Starskaters are also expected to be Program Assistants (NOT FOR FALL 2022) on our PreCan and Canskate sessions, please go   Program Assistant page.


New to STARSkate

Our STARSkate program operates in a similar format from as our CanSkate program. In STARSkate, skaters start by working in groups and slowly increase the amount of time they spend doing independent training.  Eventually they work towards a session of independent training exclusively.  Skaters will be requried to have a private coach once they have completed canskate 6 and move into the StarSkate test system.

How to join ASC’s STARSkate program

Step 1:

Choose a coach
Each skater who registers for a STARSkate it is mandatory to hire a coach for private lessons. For more details on how to choose a coach, please see our STARSkate Coaches page. Your coach will recommend the number of private lessons they will offer your skater each week. These private lesson fees are not included in session registration fees, and are paid to the coach directly on a regular basis.  A private lesson is usually 10 - 15 minutes long.

Step 2:

Register for your STARSkate sessions
Your skater’s coach will recommend the number of sessions your skater should register for.

Step 3:

Be sure your skater has beginner figure skates
To be successful in our STARSkate program, your skater will need a pair of new or used beginner figure skates. These skates are different than the basic white skates sold in sporting good stores; they have a specialized blade and toe pick, and a proper figure skate will have ample support for jumps. Your skater will not be able to learn the necessary skating skills, spins and jumps in regular white skates.

Beginner figure skates are available at several figure skating stores in the area or used at one of our Skate and Dress Sales. Your coach can give you more information about where to shop and what to look for when purchasing your skates.

More questions?

We’re happy to help and answer any questions you might have. Please drop us a line at or talk to any of our coaches.



Sessions vary in length and are priced accordingly. Contact the office if you have any questions about which session is best for your skater.

When registering for any ASC program, the following fees will be automatically added to your invoice:

  • ASC Administration fee $30.00 payable once per skater per skating year.
  • Skate Canada mandated membership fee $45.00, payable once per skater per skating year.
  • Skater Development Fee $40.00, payable once per skater per skating year. (NOT offered this year)
  • Skate Ontario Lottery Book $40.00, you keep money once you sell the book. (NOT offered this year)

Sessions are priced according to number of skating days, and adjusted for all Exception Days (holidays, competitions, tournaments, etc.).

Please make sure to also click and read over all the Additional Fees, Policies & Refund Info;  Learn More Link

                   Purchasing/Maintenance Tips for Skates



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Our mission is to offer EVERYONE that is interested in learning or looking to improve their skating skills a program that will provide fun, fitness and achievements. Our programs will promote and foster a skaters development in a fun, safe and positive environment!